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Davy Jones' Locker?

Charlotte Booth • 10 August 2022

Davy Jones' Locker? Nope, Something Much More Useful. 

Posting every day, or even three times a week, on social media can be overwhelming. That's a lot of content to produce. 

There are however three ways you can ease the burden of content creation:

  1. Plan ahead so you always know what you should be posting which allows you to batch prepare. 
  2. Repurpose content, for example, this blog will become social media posts and was a newsletter post. 
  3. Create a Content Locker.
As part of your marketing schedule you'll know what themes are being used for the month or the week but knowing what the individual posts will be, can be more fluid. That's where a Content Locker is invaluable. 

A Content Locker is essentially a 'stock' of posts which you can draw on when you need to.

Perhaps you have an idea for a post, see an intriguing article or you've been somewhere interesting, but it doesn't quite fit into your immediate schedule. Write the post anyway and file it in your Content Locker. 

My Content Locker has a series of sub-folders such as testimonials, retainer posts, funny/personal, top tips, quotes, videos and sales posts. By writing the posts as I think of them and filing them in the Locker, I always have a store for those days when I don't know what to post. 

Keeping a Content Locker will also bust a myth about social media – that it may not be entirely truthful and in real time. 

For example, recently on my author’s Instagram account I posted about attending an art exhibition at the Tate. I may have written ‘yesterday’ in the post, but in fact it was in my Content Locker, from when I visited earlier in the summer. 

Does this matter? 

No, not really, as long as the image or post isn’t time sensitive, but it does mean you have a regular stream of posts. 

Does it mean you spend less time writing posts? Not necessarily, but you will always have a post to hand if you are feeling blocked. 

Maybe, one week you have a lot of inspiration for Top Tips, but don’t want to post 10 in a week; write the posts and post one a week for ten weeks. Sorted.
Maybe, you are on holiday and take a number of images or visit places which you can relate to your business. Why not save them and eke them out on a weekly basis rather than all in one go?

Maybe you could even batch prepare videos – with lots of clothes changes to boot – and then post one a week or every two weeks for the next couple of months. 

There are various ways of preparing a Content Locker. 

If you love the idea of  one but you're not sure how you would go about creating one, this is where I can help. I can batch prepare posts for you, such as top tips, inspirational quotes or product posts or I can create a series of social media posts from your blogs, seminars or web copy. 

To find out more about how I can help drop me an email or book a quick chat

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