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The key to 'authenticity'.

Charlotte Booth • 11 August 2021

The importance of being you

‘Authenticity’ is a word which is used a lot when talking about business marketing. We all know it’s important to be ‘authentic’ as people buy from people. 

But what does this actually mean?

According to the dictionary authenticity is, "the quality of being authentic," with authentic meaning, "of undisputed origin and not a copy: genuine".

When used to describe a person, it can have a more complicated meaning. Many of us act a little differently at work to how we act with our parents or how we act with our friends. Some people don't swear in front of their parents for example, but swear like a sailor everywhere else. Does this mean these people are inauthentic when at work, or with their parents? 

No, not at all. 

Everyone has a different side to them in different scenarios. And all of these are authentic. And all of them are undeniably you.  

However, the problem arises when some of these 'sides' are emulating someone else, rather than being a genuine, or authentic part of you. 

For example, when writing your website, your blogs, or your company brochures how easily do you slip into ‘business speak’ and industry jargon and general fluff-waffle because it makes you sound knowledgeable?
Probably a lot easier than you think. 

But how can you be authentic when using cliched similes, phrases and idioms devised by an industry. Phrases you would never use when with your mates down the pub or even with your work colleagues. 

It’s a safety blanket. To make it seem like you know what you’re talking about and to make you sound professional. But it doesn’t sound like you. 

One of my first clients was so caught up in jargon, industry speak and sounding a certain way, it took me an hour to actually find out what she did for a living. The language she used to sound professional completely obscured who she was and what she did. 

The key to being authentic, whilst at the same time being professional is to say what you want to say, the way you would say it to your mates at the pub. Clear, concise, to the point – and you know what? If swearing is your thing then that is sometimes OK too (even in front of your mum) if it reflects you and works with the clients you are trying to attract. 

If you want to discuss your website, blogs or company brochures either with a mind to outsource, or even for an edit and proofread drop me an email

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