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Writing Engaging Blogs

Charlotte Booth • 4 October 2022

Four tips for writing effective blogs

Despite many articles discussing whether the 'blog is dead' they remain incredibly valuable assets to your business websites. Blog posts can bring new users to your site as they search for the answers to specific questions or painpoints, or simply find the title intriguing. 

And who doesn't want new visitors to the website? They could stay a while and decide they would like to work with you further. However, in order for any content to work effectively you have to think carefully about what you are producing and plan the piece in advance. 

There are also a few things you need to take into consideration when writing a blog; 

1 - Know your audience

When writing blogs for your business website, it is important to know your audience - the people who will be reading  your blog. Of course you can't know exactly who will click onto the page, but you can think about who you would like to read it. 
  • Are they technical? 
  • Are they end users? 
  • Are they new to the industry? 
  • Are they male or female?
  • Are they parents?
  • Where are they located?
The clearer the image you have of your audience, the easier it is to get the voice right. Therefore the more questions you ask yourself about who they are the easier it will be to write with them in mind. 

2 - What do you want them to take away 
Before you start writing your blog it's important to know what take-away you want the reader to have. Is it the answer to a single question, or is it a deeper understanding of a particular subject? 

Knowing what that one useful nugget of information you hope they will take away will help you to stay on point when writing. 

If there are multiple points you want them to take away, consider writing a series of blogs. 

3 - Have a clear CTA

At the end of your blog you need to make it clear what you want the reader to do - so it's important to have a clear CTA (call to action). 

Do you want the reader to; 
  • Click on a link? 
  • Email you? 
  • Go to the website? 
Whatever you want them to do, tell them. You never know they might even do it. 

4 - Keep it short

There are different schools of thought on how long a blog should be. Some say a blog should be 1,000-1,200 words long for SEO purposes. 

But others, myself included, think we need to remember that ultimately we are writing for our human audience and not an AI algorithm. 

And people today are busy and don't like reading long things. Be honest, how often do you read articles where you have to scroll more than two or three times? Do you tend to read a couple of paragraphs and move on? 

So will the majority of people coming to the site. 

If people don't reach the end, they won't see your CTA and will do their own thing - which will be to skip to another website. 

So, keep to the point, don't waffle and keep your objective and audience in mind. 

If you would be interested in a workshop about writing effective blogs drop me an email or comment below for details. 

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